We understand that business can encompass a variety of different jobs, industries, and skillsets. Delta Sigma Pi hopes to build strong business acumen for any and every type of career through a variety of ways:
ONE-ON-ONE MENTORINGThe moment a brother is initiated into DSP, they are assigned a 'big' who acts as their elder mentor. Bigs become a great resource for both professional and social development.
CAREER PANELSDSP upperclassmen and alumni give frequent career panels during chapters to provide unique and personal insights to the professional world and different types of careers.
CONSULTING CASE WORKSHOPSFor those looking into consulting, case workshops help students think through the 'casing' portion of a consulting interview. Case workshops typically include real practice cases to better critical thinking skills.
EXCEL CRASH COURSESMicrosoft Excel is an essential tool in any field of business. To equip our brothers, DSP organizes Excel workshops to help build and enhance a necessary and sought-after skillset.
GUEST SPEAKERSDSP frequently invites field experts and veterans to provide key insight on different careers. Ranging from current investment banking analysts to Kellogg School of Management professors, DSP brothers can engage with high achieving professionals.
EXCLUSIVE INFO-SESSIONSDSP organizes exclusive company talks during weekly chapters to learn more about how the companies function, their recruitment processes, and to provide a chance to network with their current employees.
RESUME REVIEWSEvery pledge undergoes a resumé review by a current DSP brother. The DSP brother will help the pledge review their organization, structure, and verbiage on their resumé for improved clarity and concision.
MOCK INTERVIEWSWe understand how stressful and important interviews are. Mock interviews occur either during chapter workshops or by mere request. No matter what field of business you aim to recruit for, every DSP brother is willing and happy to help prepare you for an interview by conducting a mock interview.
THE COMMUNITYAside from formal mentorship and professional development, the community of DSP is its biggest asset. Every brother is ambitious, high-achieving, and most importantly, eager to help. If what you're looking for has yet to be covered, rest assured a quick message to a fellow brother will help fill that need.